Field Enforcement

The Field Enforcement team consists of Officers which are given a specific area they are responsible for patrolling and responding to calls throughout their shift.  Their focus is to enforce the Community’s Domestic Animal Ordinance, educate all individuals they come in contact with about responsible pet ownership, and attempt to ensure the health and well-being of animals that are lost, abandoned and no longer wanted.


The Field Officers responsibilities also include:

  • Enforcing the Community’s leash law;
  • Respond to complaints/concerns from individuals and businesses;
  • Pick up stray dogs and dogs/cats the owners no longer want;
  • Vicious and dangerous dogs are also dealt with along with animals that have bitten a human being, and;
  • Within their capabilities, they attempt to rescue abandoned, mistreated, injured or unwanted animals.


The Field Officers cover all areas of the seven Districts. Any animal impounded within District 1 to 7 will be taken to the Animal Shelter located in District 5.


If you see a stray dog, an abandoned dog or witness an animal bite, please contact Gila River Animal Control at (520) 562-5177.