Animal Cruelty

Within limitations Gila River Animal Control deals with Cruelty and Neglect of Domestic Dogs and Cats.


Gila River Animal Control responds to all complaints dealing with possible cruelty and/or neglect of dogs and cats.  If you suspect an act of animal cruelty within the boundaries of the Gila River Indian Community, contact our office at 520-562-5177.


Here is a general guideline for Domestic Care Provisions for any person owning or caring for any animal, they shall assure:


    • That the domestic animal receives food that is free from contamination and is of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to maintain the animal in good health


    • That clean drinkable water is accessible to the animal at all times


    • That the animal has easy access to natural or artificial shelter


    • That the animal receives care and medical treatment for any injuries, parasites or diseases, to the point that the animal stays in good health


    • That an enclosure for dogs has enough space to exercise itself without harm and to keep itself in good health


    • If you use a tie-out (chain, leash or wire cable), it needs to be attached to a swivel or pulley.  Locate the tie-out so that it cannot go beyond the boundaries of your property; it doesn’t get tangled with other objects and the collar used on the animal cannot be of a choke type


    • That the animal has adequate ventilation and is protected form dangerous temperature extremes at all times


    • That you do not put an animal into a vehicle or enclosed space in which the temperature is either too high or too low, or the ventilation so bad, as to endanger the animal’s life or health


Remember, this is only a guideline and all animals should be treated with kindness and respect.