The Tribal Health Department would like to hear from you by conducting a Community Health Assessment! The assessment will be used to improve the health and wellness of the Akimel O’odham and Pee Posh members of the Gila River Indian Community. Your responses will assist in our efforts to address the health needs of the Community. You must be 18 years or older and a GRIC tribal member or living within the GRIC boundaries to complete the survey.


Help us understand your health concerns by completing the Community Health Assessment survey in 3 easy ways:



1. Complete the Community Health Assessment Survey online >  


2. Or download the Community Health Assessment Survey, print it, and fill it out


3. Or visit one of the Tribal Health Department locations: Sacaton or Laveen Branch

  • 433 W Seed Farm Rd, SacatonAZ 85147
  • 5356 W Pecos Rd., Laveen AZ 85339



This project is made possible by funding from the National Indian Health Board Tribal Accreditation Support Imitative Grant.