
The Genesis Diabetes Prevention Specialist II (Lactation Specialist) works with prenatal and postpartum women who are interested in breastfeeding or providing human milk to their baby.


The intent of the breastfeeding program is to:

  • Increase knowledge of breastfeeding benefits for both mom and baby
  • Assess and offer supportive strategies
  • Encourage mothers to nurse newborn to 6 months, 6-12 months, and 12-24 months or longer if desired by mother and child
  • Encourage community support through schools/head starts & with employers


According to American Academy of Pediatrics, “Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend exclusive breastfeeding through 6 months with introduction of complementary foods at that time and continued breastfeeding through age 24months (and beyond).”


Breastfeeding 101 class:

  • Benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby
  • Myths of breastfeeding
  • Stages of lactation
  • Anatomy of the Breast
  • Hunger cues / positioning / latching
  • Is my Baby getting enough to eat?
  • Poop/wet diapers


►Mother’s who attend the breastfeeding 101 class, complete the pre-test, and post-test will receive a diaper bag incentive with educational handouts. Breastfeeding 101 class is offered virtual and in-person.

►Electric Breast Pumps are available (on a loan basis) to clients who meet criteria guidelines: 

►Genesis Breastfeeding clients, receive limited breastfeeding supplies/incentives

►Genesis provides 1:1 office visits, home visits or virtual visits if needed

  • Oral Anatomy Assessment
  • Pre/Post weighted feeds
  • Assist with latching and positioning at the breast.
  • Assess Pumping/flange fitting
  • Initial and follow-up visits with a care plan.
  • Referrals are done as needed
  • Provides evidence-based information


Check with your insurance to see if you are eligible for a free electrical pump or rent a breast pump.

Are breast pumps covered by the Affordable Care Act? |


If you are interested in attending or know a friend or family member that is interested in our program services, please call our office for class dates and location.


If you are interested in Breastfeeding education and cannot make it to our training sites, the Genesis staff is able to provide a home visit. 


Breastfeeding FACTs:  Studies show breastfed babies

  • Develop less allergies
  • Are at low risk of developing heart disease
  • Develop a high IQ level
  • #1 Reason to breastfeed - to build a bond between mother & child